

C32E8.7 | Resistance to Inhibitors of Cholinesterase 19

The ric-19 gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved cytosolic protein involved in neuroendocrine secretion via association with secretory vesicles.

Graphics for ric-19

3'UTR Zoom

see this gene in GBrowse
Legend: Blue:ORF, Gray:Updated 3'UTRome V3 dataset.

3'UTR mapped for ric-19

If available, we display here the 3'UTRs sequences we obtained by our analysis (in FASTA format). Putative canonical PAS sites, if found, are highlighted in yellow.

1 ID: 3568 - Tier: 1 - Name: ric-19 - Cosmid: C32E8.7 - WBGeneID: WBGene00004368 - Length: 43 - PAS: AATAAA
Cluster Coverage (%): 3740 reads (100.00%)
(See this 3'UTR in GBrowse!) (See this Gene in GBrowse!)

id Name Chr Strand Start End Length PAS Coverage
3568 ric-19 I - 3778091 3778132 43nt AATAAA (-19nt) 3740 reads

This 3'UTR isoform has been detected in the following tissues:
UTRome v31 Intestine2 Pharynx2 Body Muscle2 Arcade cells2 GABA neurons2 NMDA neurons2 Hypodermis2 Seam cells2
1Murari et al., 2023
2Blazie et al., 2016 - Alternative polyadenylation directs tissue specific miRNA targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans somatic tissues. - under review (mixed stages & tissue-specific datasets)

Updated miRanda Targets for ric-19 (Murari et al., submitted)

ric-19 transcript has been predicted to be targeted by the following miRNAs:

ID miRNA Target Gene Score Energy % Binding (Target) % Binding (miRNA)
26977 cel-miR-85-5p ric-19 158 -10.63 86.67 86.67

Predicted or Experimental Interactors for ric-19 (WormBase)

ric-19 has been predicted to interact with the following genes (data from WS200):

  • ins-1 Lee I et al. (2008)
    ins-1 encodes an insulin-like peptide orthologous to human insulin (INS; OMIM:176730, mutated in hyperproinsulinemia and diabetes mellitus type II); INS-1 is one of 38 insulin-like peptides in C. elegans and when overexpressed can antagonize insulin-like signaling mediated by DAF-2/IR leading to arrest at the dauer larval stage; loss of INS-1, however, does not result in a dauer phenotype suggesting that INS-1 functions redundantly with other insulin-like peptides to regulate reproductive growth and lifespan; a mutation in ins-1 does, however, show severe defects in salt chemotaxis learning; INS-1 is expressed in the amphid sensory neurons ASI and ASJ that regulate dauer arrest, the nerve ring, the intestine, vulval muscles, and other neurons.


© The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University - PO Box 875001, Tempe, AZ 85287-5001