

T03F1.12 |

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Graphics for T03F1.12

3'UTR Zoom

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Legend: Blue:ORF, Gray:Updated 3'UTRome V3 dataset.

3'UTR mapped for T03F1.12

If available, we display here the 3'UTRs sequences we obtained by our analysis (in FASTA format). Putative canonical PAS sites, if found, are highlighted in yellow.

1 ID: 19664 - Tier: 1 - Name: T03F1.12 - Cosmid: T03F1.12 - WBGeneID: WBGene00020193 - Length: 130 - PAS: AATAAA
Cluster Coverage (%): 1022 reads (100.00%)
(See this 3'UTR in GBrowse!) (See this Gene in GBrowse!)

id Name Chr Strand Start End Length PAS Coverage
19664 T03F1.12 I - 3876037 3876165 130nt AATAAA (-27nt) 1022 reads

This 3'UTR isoform has been detected in the following tissues:
UTRome v31 Intestine2 Pharynx2 Body Muscle2 Arcade cells2 GABA neurons2 NMDA neurons2 Hypodermis2 Seam cells2
1Murari et al., 2023
2Blazie et al., 2016 - Alternative polyadenylation directs tissue specific miRNA targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans somatic tissues. - under review (mixed stages & tissue-specific datasets)
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