

T03F1.3 | PhosphoGlycerate Kinase 1

T03F1.3 is orthologous to the human gene PHOSPHOGLYCERETE KINASE 1 (PGK1; OMIM:311800), which when mutated leads to hemolytic anemia and neurologic disturbances.

Graphics for pgk-1

3'UTR Zoom

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Legend: Blue:ORF, Gray:Updated 3'UTRome V3 dataset.

Operon Information

This gene is part of the operon CEOP1124 (I:3870066..3867543)
CEOP1124 contains 2 genes in the following order:
Blumenthal et al., Nature 417, 851-854
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3'UTR mapped for pgk-1

If available, we display here the 3'UTRs sequences we obtained by our analysis (in FASTA format). Putative canonical PAS sites, if found, are highlighted in yellow.

1 ID: 19654 - Tier: 1 - Name: pgk-1 - Cosmid: T03F1.3 - WBGeneID: WBGene00020185 - Length: 154 - PAS: tataaa
Cluster Coverage (%): 3600 reads (100.00%)
(See this 3'UTR in GBrowse!) (See this Gene in GBrowse!)

id Name Chr Strand Start End Length PAS Coverage
19654 pgk-1 I + 3868957 3869110 154nt tataaa (-23nt) 3600 reads

This 3'UTR isoform has been detected in the following tissues:
UTRome v31 Intestine2 Pharynx2 Body Muscle2 Arcade cells2 GABA neurons2 NMDA neurons2 Hypodermis2 Seam cells2
1Murari et al., 2023
2Blazie et al., 2016 - Alternative polyadenylation directs tissue specific miRNA targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans somatic tissues. - under review (mixed stages & tissue-specific datasets)
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Updated miRanda Targets for pgk-1 (Murari et al., submitted)

pgk-1 transcript has been predicted to be targeted by the following miRNAs:

ID miRNA Target Gene Score Energy % Binding (Target) % Binding (miRNA)
125576 cel-miR-5549-5p pgk-1 162 -13.17 76.47 82.35
1095 cel-miR-1-5p pgk-1 159 -13.73 82.35 82.35
66382 cel-miR-792-3p pgk-1 155 -12.43 72.73 72.73
102752 cel-miR-4811-5p pgk-1 149 -8.10 66.67 77.78
42802 cel-miR-247-5p pgk-1 146 -7.54 63.64 72.73
101161 cel-miR-4809-3p pgk-1 144 -15.78 81.82 81.82
10367 cel-miR-51-3p pgk-1 141 -16.99 75.00 75.00

Predicted or Experimental Interactors for pgk-1 (WormBase)

pgk-1 has been predicted to interact with the following genes (data from WS200):

  • act-1 Lee I et al. (2008)
    act-1 encodes an actin isoform that is required for proper body wall muscle and pharyngeal muscle structures and the motility of animals; actins have highly similar amino acid sequences; ACT-1 is identical to ACT-3; act-1 functions redundantly with two other actin isoforms, act-2 and act-3, to control cytoplasmic microfilament function in the early embryo.
  • act-2 Lee I et al. (2008)
    act-2 encodes an invertebrate actin that may function specifically in the pharynx.
  • act-3 Lee I et al. (2008)
    act-3 encodes an invertebrate actin, highly similar to ACT-1, ACT-2, and ACT-4, that functions in body wall muscle; act-3 functions with two other action isoforms, act-1 and act-2, to control cytoplasmic microfilament function in the early embryo.
  • act-5 Lee I et al. (2008)
    an ortholog of human cytoplasmic actin; and is expressed only in microvillous intestinal cells and excretory cell.
  • alh-4 Lee I et al. (2008)
    none available
  • asp-2 Lee I et al. (2008)
    asp-2 encodes aspartic protease.
  • cts-1 Lee I et al. (2008)
    cts-1 encodes a citrate synthase, predicted to be mitochondrial, that is required for embryonic development.
  • cyn-7 Lee I et al. (2008)
    cyn-7 encodes a cyclophilin A isoform; while not tested for peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity in vitro, it is very similar to CYN-3 and closely resembles the prototypical CypA, and is therefore likely to be a member of the cytosolic CsA-binding cyclophilin subfamily; CYN-7 was required for embryonic viability in one set of mass RNAi assays.
  • dhod-1 Lee I et al. (2008)
  • enol-1 Lee I et al. (2008)
    T21B10.2 is orthologous to human ENOLASE 1 (also CRYSTALLIN, TAU; ENO1; OMIM:172430), which when mutated leads to spherocytic red cell enolase deficiency.


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